CAGR Calculator


Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a financial metric that measures the average annual growth rate of an investment over a specific period of time. It provides a standardized way to assess the performance of an investment or business, taking into account the compounding effect of returns.

To calculate CAGR, you need two data points: the initial value of the investment and the final value after the specified period. The formula for CAGR is as follows:

CAGR = (Final Value / Initial Value) ^ (1 / Number of Years) – 1

CAGR is commonly used in finance and investment analysis to evaluate the profitability and growth potential of various assets, such as stocks, mutual funds, and businesses. It helps investors understand the rate at which their investments are growing and enables them to make informed decisions about allocating their capital.

Unlike simple average growth rates, CAGR takes into consideration the compounding effect, which assumes that the returns from the investment are reinvested. This compounding effect can significantly impact the overall growth and return on investment.

One of the key advantages of CAGR is that it smoothens out the fluctuations in investment returns over time, providing a more accurate representation of the true growth rate. It offers a better understanding of long-term performance, especially when investments experience significant volatility or fluctuation in returns.

By using CAGR, investors can compare the performance of different investments on an equal footing, even if they have different time horizons. It provides a standardized measure that allows for easy comparison and evaluation.

Moreover, CAGR is not limited to financial investments alone. It can be applied to various business metrics, such as revenue growth, profit growth, or customer acquisition, to assess the overall performance and progress of a company over a specific period.

In conclusion, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a useful metric for evaluating the average annual growth rate of an investment or business. By accounting for the compounding effect of returns, CAGR provides a standardized and accurate measure of performance. Its versatility allows it to be applied across various industries and metrics.